Friday, August 12, 2011

Why do some people keep saying shawn Michael's is ugly?

I don't see anything wrong with him, in my opine he looks find, he take s care of himself and he is in really good shape. I can understand why some people would not like him,is because of the way he was back in the day, I am sure all the old school fans girl's wold say how y he used to be, and I agree with them. I don't thank he's ugly, I thank he is Just ageing up that's all it is, I mean don't get me wrong he is in his forty's,he just looks old and is not like he is in his 50s or 60s it just looks that way, he is Still young, it not about how he looks is about how good he is, he has a good personality and really nice guy. I am not trying be mean or anything so be mad at me.

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